37 gems

we are bored by the generic mediocrity dominating the rap landscape at present.
we are appalled by the doublespeak deployed from dubious agents working in tandem with nefarious sources to take what is individual and make mass produced. to assume our trust in an unnatural process is to make us incompetent. if we are anything, it is able. if we are anything, it is.

from perches, short foot holds, and dugout lookouts we make magic with sleight of poetics. folding the happenstance fabric of time-space back into itself, it's tailors dominating the 21st century. tailors and electricians. we grow tired of how algorithms spit. programmers cannot seem to capture the spirit of what is or what could be. literal romantics lacking hope it is obvious their visions are plagued by the past. we tap shoulders, we point, we duck n cover.

37 gems is an album by the ruby yacht. it was forged in secret with love and an understanding of dream logic. this album could very possibly change how you appear to yourself outside of mirrors.

what is the ruby yacht? a question as old as time and one that deserves a new answer with every asked utterance.

the ruby yacht is a poet gang, a conglomerate of wacko's who obviously love nothing more than life itself. we are the hoarders of cheat codes, the speakerknockers, the wellthunk monks. potent delivery.

enjoy the album
we made it just for you.